Gnome Music Player Client
Name Description Type Stable Unstable Deprecated Unmaintained Maintainer Note Checked for 0.18.1
Coveramazon Fetches album information and images from amazon. MetaData x Qball Usable until august, then deprecated.
mdcover Fetches metadata by crawling the music directory MetaData x Qball
lastfm Fetches metadata using's web api. MetaData x Qball, Misery
lyricwiki Fetches lyrics from MetaData x Qball, Misery
lyrics Fetches lyrics from leolyrics and lyrictracker MetaData x Qball * Needs splitting in 2 plugins.
lyrdb Fetches lyrics from MetaData x Qball
discogs Fetches artist and album images from discogs MetaData x Qball * High res images.
lyricplugin Fetches lyrics from MetaData x Qball, Misery *Move to stable
mdcover2 Rewrite of mdcover that uses rules to find metadata in music directory MetaData x Do not use.
Jamendo Allows you to search, browse and preview music from jamendo Browser x Qball
Magnatune Allows you to search, browse and preview music from magnatune Browser x Qball
extraplaylist Adds an extra play-queue view in gmpc. Browser x Qball
mserver Servers local music via a build-in webserver to mpd. Browser x Qball
tagedit Allow you to quickly edit tags of songs Browser x Qball
albumview Shows you a list off all album covers Browser x Qball
serverstats Shows statistics about the connected mpd Browser x Integrated in gmpc since 0.17
lastfmradio Allows you to play radio through mpd Browser x Broken by api change
favorites Adds a favorite song list Other x Integrated in gmpc.
Wikipadia Shows the wikipedia page of the playing artist Other x syed
libnotify Shows a notification on song change via the notification daemon Other x Qball
lirc Allow you to control playback via lirc Other x x
awn Integrates gmpc in the avant window navigator dock Other x Malept
alarm Turns gmpc into a alarm clock Other x x
avahi Uses avahi/bonjour/zeroconf to discover MPD servers on the local network. Other x Qball
xosd Shows on screen display via xosd Other x
qosd Shows a more modern on screen display Other x Qball
randomplaylist Fills the playlist with random songs Other x Qball
shout Plugin that can tune 'in' to mpd's icecast/shoutcast stream Other x Qball
dynamic-playlist Adds similar songs/artists/genre to the play queue based on data Other x Misery
stopbutton Adds a stop button to the interface Other x integrated in gmpc
fullscreeninfo Shows now playing information full screen Other x x
playlistsort sorts the current play-queue Other x Qball
mmkeys Allows you to bind gnome multimedia keys Other x Qball
shufpl Shuffles your current play-queue by track and by album. Other x FOODzee
pauseafter Pauses playback after track/album ending or after N tracks played. Other x FOODzee